Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Swim Class!

Today was Ruby's final swim lesson and "graduation!" Jason came to the lesson with us so that we could have some pictures and video of Ruby's new tricks. It was a lot of fun, and Ruby even got her first certificate. Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Changes for Ruby

It's finally turning into perfect park weather here in Tennessee! Mid-70s during the day and cooler at night. We're able to have the windows open and we are loving it. That means we have been doing a lot of outdoor play dates with friends.

Ruby has had a couple of big developments recently. First, we moved her to a "big girl" bed. It didn't require any physical moving because we just took down one side of the crib and put up the toddler rail. Night time is going well so far and I think nap time will go well once we get a good routine down. Today was a bit of a struggle for her nap, but she did take one in her big girl bed!

Also, Ruby has started to tell us when she needs to use the bathroom. I think we only had one wet diaper today and that was when we were running errands. If we are at home or at a friend's house, she prefers to use the toilet. I don't really expect this to last, but she seems to enjoy going "potty" so we'll encourage it as long as she wants to do it.

We also started painting the twins' room. Blue on the bottom, yellow on the top with a white chair rail in between.

Not a whole lot new here. Jason's mom is coming for a visit tomorrow, and I've included a few pictures from today (nap time in the big girl bed and going out for ice cream.) Enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Not much new here ...

I'm really slacking on updating this blog, but there hasn't been too much "new" going on here. Ruby had her 15 month check up almost two weeks ago. And, as usual, she is HUGE (she's very proportional, just the top of the charts!) She weighed in at 25 pounds, 13 ounces (88th percentile) and 33 inches tall (98th percentile). Even her head circumference was in the 94th percentile.

The doctor said Ruby is doing great in developmental milestones and eating. The child has not found a food she won't eat (actually, she won't eat cantaloupe, but since she will eat pretty much every other food we put in front of her I think it's ok).

We also had a quick trip to the doctor the day before her 15 month checkup because Ruby got her first two ticks. We spent a day at the arboretum with some friends and the next morning I noticed a tick in her hair. I tried my best to get it out, but she was really fighting me, so I just took her in to the doctor to let them deal with her. Of course, when we got there the tick in her head had come off, but we discovered another one in her leg! So, the doctor showed me how to properly remove a tick. That was an adventure.

In baby news, there's not much to say. I can officially feel Baby Boy kick and move around a lot, but can't really feel Baby Girl yet. I have the "big" ultrasound on Monday (even though we already know what we're having), so at least I'll find out how big they are getting. And, I think they will even put this ultrasound session on a DVD for us.

I will try to upload some pictures later. We have a birthday party tomorrow at the Splash Pad and should have pictures to post.
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