Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Month Appointment

Today Ruby had her two month well-baby check up. This visit also included three shots and an oral vaccine. She really was not a happy baby for this visit -- but that may have had something to do with the doctor running way behind schedule. First, the nurse measured and weighed her. She is now 23 inches long and 12 pounds, 3 ounces. So, she continues to grow at an amazing rate! And then the doctor checked her out and declared her to be perfectly healthy. Finally, at the end of the visit, Ruby was shot. First the nurse gave her the oral vaccine, which she took like a champ. And then she got one shot in one leg and two more shots in the other leg. Ruby screamed for a couple of minutes and before we left the doctor's office, she was asleep.

She got the shots about 3:15 and slept for a few hours, but now she seems to be acting more like herself. Jason is busy changing her diaper (each time he gets a new one on her, she fills it up for him ...) But, I bet she is still pretty tired. Ruby had a long day. So we'll feed her, bathe her and put her to bed and hope she gets a good night's sleep!

We will post some pictures later!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Coming Back to Iowa ... Just to Visit

Exciting news on the Hill front. We finally sold our house in Iowa. We are very excited about this, and in other good/exciting news, Jason's company is paying to fly us up for the closing. So, we are flying into Omaha on August 8th (so that Ruby can see her Grandma and Grandpa Anderson) and spending the weekend in Des Moines. Then, we will drive back to Omaha on Monday night and Jason will leave Tuesday morning. I am going to stay in Omaha with Ruby until Friday the 15th and spend some time with my mom and do some quilting. It will be nice to come back and see everyone, especially since most people only got to see Ruby in the hospital!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thumb Sucker

I think we're going to have a thumb sucker on our hands. While sleeping today, Ruby's fist slowly made its way to her mouth ... and then she was sucking on her thumb. These are the days I wish she'd take a pacifier -- that I could at least take away from her in the future. I think social services would have issues if I took her thumb away.

In other news, Ruby and I went to see a movie today. The third Friday of every month the movie theater in Oak Ridge does a "Mommy & Me" movie at 10 a.m. Today we saw Space Chimps, and Ruby was so well behaved. She slept through the whole thing!

And, at 7.5 weeks old, Ruby is upgrading from 0-3 month clothing to her 3-6 month clothing. She can't fully straighten her legs in the 0-3 month sleepers, so it's probably not fair to keep putting her in them.

I think we're going to have a pretty laid back weekend. Jason has to do some work and I'm going to hang out with Ruby.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ruby's First Babysitter

So, Jason and I went out to dinner last night ... without Ruby. We went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Knoxville and really had a good time. But, before we went, we dropped Ruby off with friends. (I tried to convince Jason that she would be just fine at home babysat by the cats, but he wasn't amused!) We were gone almost three hours and I was surprised that we didn't even call once to check on her. We knew she was in really good hands. In fact, when we went to pick her up, they had somehow gotten her to fall asleep and had her snuggled in her car seat. I was impressed. (But the picture I've posted is just one of her being cute ...)

And, when we were at Target the other day, I found Ruby the best thing in the world. I found a baby bikini! (Again, Jason wasn't nearly as amused as I was.) The part I really wanted was the swim diaper so that I can sit with her in the one foot deep pool. Although the whole outfit is still a little big on her, it's really really cute.

And, finally, enjoy the picture of Ruby cheering on the right team in Iowa.

So, enjoy some more pictures and if you want to see more, go to the flickr site.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our Third Anniversary!

Jason and I had a laid back day today for our third anniversary. We are planning on going out to dinner Saturday night to celebrate and leaving Ruby with friends for a couple of hours. But, we did have some fun tonight -- we took Ruby to one of the pools at the apartment complex. I went swimming for awhile and we even let Ruby get her feet wet.

I think tonight will be an early night for us. Ruby thought it would be fun to get up every two hours last night. So we are all a little tired today. Enjoy the new pictures!

Napping with Ruby at about 6:30 in the morning ... it seemed like this was the only way she would sleep last night.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July!

Well, we had every intention of celebrating a fun Fourth of July at Knoxville's Festival on the Fourth at the World's Fair Park. But, when we got there and got settled in (along with many, many other people), we were told to clear out because a thunderstorm was expected to come through and if there was lightning, they didn't want everyone on the lawn. So, instead of taking Ruby and waiting it out in the car, we decided to just pack it in and go home. Maybe next year we will see some fireworks.

But, Ruby had two new outfits for the Fourth of July. It's a good thing there were two of them -- the first one made it through the first few hours of the day and the second one made it for the evening activities. Ruby was pretty tired earlier in the day on the 4th ... so she and I curled up on the couch and got some quality snuggling time in.

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