Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parents FTW!

(For the win)

Night two - 1000% better than night one. Ruby slept like a champ, the twins had a great night and mom and dad got some sleep. Ruby is off at "big boy school" this morning and all is well in the Hill household. Twins are both back over 6lbs after seeing their doctor yesterday.

Jason & Jessica

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Night One

Children 1, Parents 0 was the final score. Ruby didn't want to fall asleep until 10pm, then woke up at 2 to "help", and fell back asleep with Dad and the twins at 5:30. The twins didn't want to nurse at all. One call to the Doctor for Jessica, and one precious moment with Hallie, James, Ruby, and Dad in the rocking chair in the twins room. These two teams will do battle again tonight. More at 11(tm). Really, we're doing well. We have awesome friends who are pulling together a brigade - we can't say thank you enough.

Jason & Jessica

Monday, January 25, 2010


We're home. Jessica and the twins are exhausted from the trip. Ruby didn't want to nap today, so she's down for a short siesta currently. (Whoops, time to go wake her up). This is Jason, signing off.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm a Big Sister!!

Ruby came by the hospital today. She was very excited to see all of us. Here are a couple of pictures of the event. We'll have more up when we get home (or when Jason does another upload some evening).

Ruby and James

Ruby holding Hallie, Mommy holding James.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 2 - Hallie and James

Day two went much like day one. Sleep, eat, burp, repeat. The babies are fine too. (Good humor from Dad tonight I guess). Our friend Matt stopped in to see us this afternoon. He's great at holding babies. We really tried to make sure he knew he was welcome at the house anytime after we come home to help hold babies !! Of course - the reason you're all tuning in. More photos! Here are a couple from today.

Jessica holding Hallie (left) and James (right)


Holding hands. Soooo cute!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Hallie and James Arrive!

The twins have finally arrived. James LeRoy Hill was born at 0718am (Eastern) on 01/22/2010, weighing 6lb 7oz and is 19 inches long. Hallie Marie Hill was born at 0719am (Eastern) on 01/22/2010, weighing 6lb 11oz and is 19.5 inches long. Mom, and babies are doing wonderfully this afternoon. Here are some photos.

It's 4:45am. where are the babies??

Dad. Masterful camera work.

Hallie shortly after birth.

James shortly after birth.

Proud parents.

Mom snuggling Hallie.

More to come as weary parents hit the Internet.
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