Friday, March 18, 2011

Zoo Trip!

Here are a few of the pictures I took at the zoo yesterday. We had so much fun -- and I even got a sunburn! James loved the petting zoo, but he insisted on calling the goats doggies. And, because I hired Crystal (one of Ruby's Camp Faith teachers) to come with, Ruby was able to do the things she wanted to do without having to stay with the twins all the time. I am very excited that the weather is consistently staying nice here again ... I think we will have many more zoo trips in our future!

Visit by Ted E. Bear (Ruby's class mascot)

For more information on Ted E. Bear, scroll down a few posts to the Spring Break update -- there are details in there!

BirthDAY photos

Here are a few pictures we took during the twins' birthday breakfast at Razzleberry. (And, yes, Ruby is feeding our server!)

Way Belated Birthday Party Photos

As you can tell, the kids had a blast!

Spring Break!

We have been really busy here lately. Since I last updated:

* James got his first haircut! I had them take about 2 inches off all over his head and I really should have had more trimmed up -- boy does this kid have hair! I don't have any pictures of this experience because Jason was in the car while Hallie slept, Ruby was getting her haircut at the station across the aisle from us, and James was sitting in my lap. I do have his certificate though (and one of his curls).

* Jason has been approved for some big travel in the next couple of months. In April he will head to Orlando, FL for about a week and then in May he will be in Alaska! I think he is going to have fun, especially with the Alaska trip, but he will miss Ruby's birthday (not that she really knows when her birthday is exactly ...) We'll just celebrate when he is home.

* I have been bombarded with interview opportunities with the Department of Children's Services in a few local counties. I have decided not to interview though because the pay wouldn't really be enough to cover daycare expenses ... but, it feels good to be wanted.

* Hallie has finally broken through her 5th tooth! (I think James has 12 now ...) And, it looks like she might start getting hair here soon. :)

Recently, Ruby came home from the Early Learning Center with Ted E. Bear, her class mascot. He spent a week in our home, tagging along with us on all of our outings, and generally being a part of our family. At the end of the week, we wrote in Ted's journal about our activities and put pictures in there for her class to see. Ruby really enjoyed having Ted with us and the first night he was gone, she woke up in the middle of the night, hysterical! (Ted went home with another kid and Ruby swore that he was not going to take good enough care of Ted and that Ted needed to come back here.)

This week has been Ruby's spring break from Camp Faith, and it has been gorgeous, so I decided to get the kids out and about. I hired Crystal (one of Ruby's teachers from Camp Faith) to help me Wednesday and Friday and we went to the bounce house and the zoo. We had so much fun! And it is really nice to have a helper when the kids are all running in different directions. I think I am hiring her when Jason is in Alaska too ...

I will update pictures in the next post.
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