Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Hold Hallie?"

Every so often Ruby decides she HAS to hold one of her siblings. She will go get the Boppy pillow (her "hoop") and bring it over to the couch and demand to hold a baby. It doesn't matter if they are both sleeping, she has to hold them! Anyway, these pictures are of Ruby -- wearing her brand new bathing suit, all ready for swim lessons -- holding Hallie.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Look Mommy, he's naked!" And other inappropriate outbursts in public ...

Today we were out walking at the marina. The weather here has been gorgeous the past couple of days -- it topped 70 degrees yesterday and today. We heard most of our family up North received some snow ... Anyway, we were out for a walk and Ruby is watching the rowing teams bring in their boats. All of a sudden she points to one of the guys and yells "Look Mommy, he's naked!" at the top of her lungs. I don't think he heard her, but still, it was kind of entertaining and embarrassing at the same time.

Ruby is learning a lot about conversing with people. She can answer questions when asked and even try to continue the conversation a bit. She has not learned to filter her thoughts though. And, I have a feeling it will be a long time before she does that, so I better get used to being embarrassed some of the time.

She likes to tell me she's a "dirty little boy" when I am cleaning her up after lunch or dinner. (This comes from a book called The Dirty Little Boy.") And, if a woman has short hair or a man has long hair, she tends to point at them and loudly announce the opposite gender ...

I'm sure there are many examples Ruby has given me that I am now forgetting.

In other news, I joined a gym last week. I can go work out and put the kids in childcare for up to two hours a day. I haven't left them there for that long yet, but it is nice to get an hour to myself at least a few days a week. The gym also offers a number of classes and Ruby and I started parent-tot swim classes. So, for the next six weeks Ruby and I will have a "special date" and go swimming and out to lunch. I love getting to spend some quality time with her, without another screaming child!

No pictures for now, I'll try to post some next week.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Potty training?? And other news.

We've been having a busy time in the Hill household. Ruby thinks it's time to start potty training. She made this decision because her friend, Connor, is potty training. I'm not ready to dive fully into it, so when she asks to go to the bathroom, I take her. And she goes when she wakes up in the morning and before and after her nap, and before bed at night. Some days Ruby wants to wear "big girl" underwear and others she wants to wear her diaper. I figure we'll go at this pace until around her second birthday.

James and Hallie have earned a variety of nicknames. Sometimes we call them "Thing One" and "Thing Two." Other times it's "Tweedle Dee" and "Tweedle Dum." For some reason, I have taken to calling James "Mister Man" and Ruby loves that one!

They also seem to be developing into happier babies. (Now that I've said that out loud, James will likely go back to screaming every day.) We've had a pretty good week -- James has really started to smile. We're still waiting for Hallie to do that. But, both of them are going longer between eating and seem to enjoy doing more than just being held or nursing. They are both also getting a bottle of formula at night so that bedtime is less "Mommy intensive." And, from the time they get their bottle until they wake up to eat is usually about 6 hours! I also think Jason enjoys feeding one of them every night and spending some quality time with a happier baby.

Oh, and Ruby is really benefiting from school. The other day she pulled a magnetic letter off of the refrigerator and asked me to get "more R" -- and she was actually holding the letter "R." And, today she was playing with a plastic dog and I asked her what its name was. She responded: "B-I-N-G-O!" I couldn't help but laugh.

Her school is on spring break this week, which makes me a little sad. I know she loves going, and I enjoy having some time to get a few things done around the house.

Anyway, I know people really visit this site for the pictures. So, here you go:

Snuggled in the swing.

Look at my head control!

Holding Hallie.

"Hold Hallie, please!?"

Caught the smile!

James smiling!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quiz Time!

Is Hallie wearing socks, or is it James? Can you tell which baby is which? Post your guess in the comments section and I'll let you know if you're correct!

Picture Spam!

So, I forgot to post photos from Arnold and Kim's visit. And we have a few new pictures to show the world. The pictures are in reverse chronological order. Enjoy!

Hallie asleep in her seat.

James napping happily in the car seat.

Ruby and Daddy on the exercise equipment.

Family trip to the marina -- Ruby helped push the stroller.

Hallie hanging out in the swing.

James chillin' in the pack-and-play.

Ruby cooking in her "big girl" underwear.

Hallie acting all cute.

James with his Wubbanub.

A little "Ruby time."

Sleeping babies?

Grandparents multi-tasking it.

Ruby in Grandpa's new boots.

Grandpa and Hallie.

Proud Grandparents

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