Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well, it finally happened. James sprouted a tooth! Sunday, August 15th, I put my finger in James' mouth and he bit me. I've been waiting for at least one of the babies to get a tooth because Ruby had hers quite a bit earlier than this. Plus, both Hallie and James have been teething pretty hard (Hallie being generally miserable and James drooling like a mad man). I think he will pop out his second bottom tooth within the week. And, who knows when Hallie will decide to get hers ...

In other news, Hallie is re-learning to nap. It's amazing how much happier I am when the children take decent naps during the day. Today Hallie took a 2 hour afternoon nap. I am hoping good daytime sleep will lead to better night time sleep (though they are pretty good night sleepers, I just would like for them to not wake up to eat!)

In other news, Ruby goes back to school next week. I think she is more than ready to get back out with her friends. It has been so stinking hot here, we are all tired of being cooped up inside.

Story Time!

Interesting ... what am I supposed to do with these?

Eat them? Seriously?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Photo

I saw this as I came up the stairs this afternoon coming home from work. Too cute to not post. Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hallie in her bathing suit (that Jason hates!)

James getting ready to veg by the pool.

Hallie eating (mostly licking) a banana.

Ruby trying to force Hallie to take a pacifier.

Monday, August 2, 2010

6 months already!?

Wow, so the twins are almost 6.5 months old. Time has flown by so quickly!

I took Hallie to the doctor last Monday because she was inconsolable and running a fever. The doctor looked in her mouth and at her ears and said "She's definitely teething, and the ear infection isn't helping anything." So, we started her on antibiotics and anticipated the ear infection would quickly clear up.

Wednesday, I took both babies in for their 6 month checkup and wanted to have Hallie's ears re-checked as her temperament hadn't changed. Her ear infection went from "mild" to "raging." So, we started her on a new antibiotic. Thursday afternoon she was still extremely agitated, so I called the doctor again and he called in "the big gun" antibiotic -- Augmentin. Finally, that night we got some relief.

Since there was very little sleeping going on, the twins' schedules are all screwed up and we are now working on fixing that.

Sorry there are no pictures for this update, but I can give you their 6 month stats:

James weighed in at 15.4 pounds and 25.75 inches long.
Hallie weighed in at 15 pounds and 26 inches long.

It's interesting to watch them grow compared to Ruby. She had more than 2 pounds on them at this point!

Ruby is doing well, too. She is in her "big girl" (toddler) bed for good now and we are considering moving her into a twin bed in the near future. Today was the last day of her summer nursery school and we joined the class on a field trip to the Little Ponderosa Zoo.

I will try to get pictures up later this week!
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