Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin time

Wednesday afternoon we had some friends over and decided to "carve" and paint the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. We didn't really carve them -- just cut the lids off so that the kids could play in pumpkin goop. And our friend Katherine brought over all sorts of kid-paint so they could have a fun art project.

Well, I went inside to get more cups to put paint in and when I came out, all of the children were working on the pumpkins. Except Ruby. She was eating paint. Yup, my child painted her teeth blue on Wednesday. It was actually really cute, but she didn't seem to like the taste of the paint :)

Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Great Great Aunt Virginia & more

Last Saturday, Jason's great aunt (Ruby's great great aunt) was in town for a conference, so we went to her hotel so she could meet Ruby. Ruby had a blast playing in the hotel room, and I think Aunt Virginia enjoyed meeting and playing with Ruby.

Then, on Sunday, we did another evening at "Boo at the Zoo" with Connor and his parents. It was crazy busy, but we had fun. Next year we'll definitely not be going on the last night though!

Everything is going well here. A group of kids is coming over this afternoon to "carve" pumpkins. (I think they will probably spend time just playing in the pumpkin goop!) And tomorrow afternoon, Ruby is going to a babysitter's house so that I can get a few things done.

The twins are doing well. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and the doctor said everything looks good. She was concerned about some pain that may have been contractions, so they hooked me up to the monitors to make sure these babies were staying put. I will go back on Friday for a re-check, but there doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. They are just very, very active babies -- especially compared to how Ruby was!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Boo at the Zoo and other Halloween festivities

It's been a busy week this week! Wednesday, Ruby and I joined the local mom's group and went back to the pumpkin patch. We had a blast. It was our first time carpooling with April and Connor, and the kids did really well together in the back seat. There was a lot of hand holding and "talking" to each other. It's getting harder and harder to get Ruby's picture when we go out -- she runs all over the place and usually away from the camera.

Then, last night, Jason and I took Ruby to "Boo at the Zoo." This year was a much different experience than last year. Ruby walked through a good portion of the trick or treat stands, said "please" and "thank you" to most of the people giving out goodies, and wanted to hug and kiss every character we saw. (She thought that everyone in an Elmo costume -- whether a baby or an adult -- was the "real" Elmo and she wanted to give them all kisses and tickles!)

Enjoy the pictures!


A tiger with a Tigger!

Enthralled by the belly dancers.

Ruby talking in "tiger."


If I push him, will he go faster??

I love April.

April's basically my second mom.

Connor, I'll fight you for it!

I choose this one!

Hanging out with the pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch/Grammy's visit

At the beginning of October, Jason's mom came to visit for a long weekend. We had fun taking Ruby to the Children's Museum and the pumpkin patch. She also got to visit a couple of the area parks and meet some of Ruby's little friends. Ruby got really good at asking for "Grammy" and I think Ruby loved seeing her.

We haven't had the best weather here the past week or so. Lots of rain. So, we've been spending more time inside.

As for the twins, they are growing well. Still have a boy and a girl (glad that hasn't changed!) and they are each about 1.5 pounds as of my last appointment. The doctor has started me on every two week appointments now, which seems so early, but I guess things are pretty different with two babies.

Here are some recent pictures:

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