Sunday, July 11, 2010


Just a calm Sunday morning in the Hill household. Jessica let me sleep in a little and now she and Ruby are off to see Toy Story 3 in the theater. "I go theater daddy?" Cute. Just. plain. cute.

So here are some photos from this morning.

Jessica and the twins were taking a morning nap (in different beds/rooms) and Ruby wanted to snuggle with her mommy.

James in his new walker, smiling it up for the camera.

Hallie in the bouncer - being a bit of a ham also.

A picture of the girls in their matching outfits. Ruby was excited to match Hallie!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Professional Photos

We haven't been as good about getting the babies' pictures taken like we did with Ruby, so last weekend we tried to make up for that and had a photographer come to our house to take some pictures. Here is a little sampling for you!

James is going to be a troublemaker!

I'm sure I've posted about how James was my needy, colicky baby for the first three months of his life. Well, we got past that and he became happy, which was wonderful. But, now he's trying to be a troublemaker again!

James has had a cough since he was about three weeks old. He coughs pretty much every day, but it's nothing serious. I mentioned it when we switched pediatricians and the doctor decided we should get it checked out. So, we went in for a chest x-ray, which was clear (we expected this ...). And then we went and did a swallow study. The swallow study was a lot of fun because James got to flirt with the nurses and they fed him pudding (I don't think he cared that it was laced with barium)! The point of that test was to make sure he was protecting his airway when he ate (which he is) and that he wasn't experiencing reflux when he ate (which he is not).

So, the last step was to see the pediatric pulmonology people. They determined that James-boy is a pig! Actually, what they said is that James over eats and causes himself to spit up. The cough is likely the result of two things: first, when he spits up, he inhales tiny bits of that fluid back into his lungs and second, he might have a bit of asthma. Neither of these things surprised us because his pediatricians have thought this all along. But, it was good to get the same information from the specialists.

We've been told that the cough isn't really a big deal, but we don't want him to inhale too much fluid into his lungs, so we're trying a few things to take care of the issue. But, I think James is just showing us that he is going to be our little troublemaker!

Wow, I'm behind!

So, Ruby turned two a little over a month ago and had her two year checkup. She spent most of the appointment flirting with the doctor (we switched practices due to scheduling problems at the old practice). She weighed in at 30 pounds and was just about 36 inches tall. The doctor said he would expect her to grow to about 5' 10" or so. He doesn't think she'll quite reach 6 feet because I'm so short!

James and Hallie have both decided to roll. James has been doing this for awhile, and he can go front to back and then back to front. Hallie has been able to do this for awhile, she just refused. But lately she has decided that rolling from back to front is kind of exciting. Though, she gets royally pissed off when she is stuck on her front and can't roll back over!

Hallie is able to sit for short periods of time, but if you try to sit James down, he flails all over the place and throws himself around. Oh, and recently the babies started their first "real" food. Avocados! It was really easy to make and the kids seem to like it so far. I think in the next week or so we'll try bananas or sweet potatoes. I will post pictures of the green avocado adventure when I get them off of the camera.

Enjoy some pictures!

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