Thursday, July 30, 2009

Long, Long Time ... but we're back

Ok, I've been meaning to get an update to this thing for awhile now. But, I've been a slacker ... We're back now and have a lot to update the world on. First, our really really big news is we're pregnant again -- this time it's TWINS! (Due Jan. 30, 2010) I'm just as sick as I was while pregnant with Ruby, but it's just something to deal with. I've been having fun thinking of "twin" names for these kiddos. My personal favorite Jack and Jill Hill (like "Jack and Jill went up the hill ...") Jason has absolutely vetoed that one and I don't think I'll get him to change his mind on it either.

In other news, I can finally give a proper update to our Iowa trip. We took Ruby to visit Iowa State and got her some new Cyclone gear. She got to meet one of my old professors and have lunch at Jason's favorite Chinese restaurant. It was a nice day in Ames, but way too short for all that we wanted to do.

We brought back some delicious Iowa sweet corn and our favorite salad dressing. And Jason filled a cooler with Anderson Erickson products to bring home. Ruby had fun visiting with her grandparents and her great grandmother. And, on the way back to Tennessee we stopped in Illinois and visited with Jason's sister and her boys.

It was a really nice trip, and it was fun to show everyone our ultrasound photos. I wish I had a way to post them on here.

In news from the home front, Jason has been really busy with work. And Ruby is talking up a storm. Every day she asks for "Connie" (her boyfriend, Connor). And wants to go "side" (outside). She can't look at an animal without wanting to give it a hug and has an obsession with reading the same book over and over and over again. I love to read to her, but it's a little difficult when the book she chooses has no words in it!

Now, enjoy some pictures!

Munching on blueberries & pancakes.

Riding the carousel.

Please, can I ride again?

Riding with mommy.

Riding with daddy.

Stylin' in my new hat.

At the Memorial Union fountain. I really wanted to go for a swim.

Campanille with mommy.

Central Campus with daddy.

Covering some breaking news for the Iowa State Daily.

Giving "Connie" (Connor) a big hug!

1 comment:

Rae Lynne said...

OMG Jessica!!!! I'm SOOO excited for you! :) All of my friends are having babies again! :) And I'm thrilled for you that it's twins. :) That will be a fun and exciting challenge. :) I hope we have twins. I can't believe Ruby's gotten so big!

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