Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch/Grammy's visit

At the beginning of October, Jason's mom came to visit for a long weekend. We had fun taking Ruby to the Children's Museum and the pumpkin patch. She also got to visit a couple of the area parks and meet some of Ruby's little friends. Ruby got really good at asking for "Grammy" and I think Ruby loved seeing her.

We haven't had the best weather here the past week or so. Lots of rain. So, we've been spending more time inside.

As for the twins, they are growing well. Still have a boy and a girl (glad that hasn't changed!) and they are each about 1.5 pounds as of my last appointment. The doctor has started me on every two week appointments now, which seems so early, but I guess things are pretty different with two babies.

Here are some recent pictures:

1 comment:

Rae Lynne said...

Are you wearing an Ergo carrier in that picture? That's what we have, and I love using it. So handy when we need it. :)

I like the picture of Ruby trying to pick up the pumpkin! :)

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