Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sorry for the lack of updates!

Sorry for the lack of updating the blog! We've been pretty busy around here and have had family in town -- plus, when all the kids go to bed for the night, we go to bed too.

Everyone here is doing well. James and Hallie went to the doctor yesterday and got weighed. James is up to 7 pounds, 10 0unces and Hallie is about 7 pounds, 3 ounces. So they are definitely gaining weight! They haven't gained nearly as fast as Ruby did, so they will be in newborn diapers for a while longer, we think. But, I think by the time they are a month old James will be out of his newborn clothing. Hallie will probably take a little longer to outgrow her newborn outfits.

James seems to be incredibly fussy (or screaming bloody murder) every afternoon, which can be frustrating. And Hallie continues to be pretty laid back. Their personalities are kind of interesting ... he loves to eat and she loves to sleep.

Ruby is also doing really well. She still goes to "big boy school" every Monday and Wednesday and she never wants to leave! Every morning Ruby wakes up and asks where Hallie and James are. And during the day she gives us a running commentary on what the babies are doing ("Hallie's eyes closed, sleeping. James doing? James eating. Put Hallie in swing. Ruby swing Hallie ...") Yeah, I'm sure you get the picture.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and I will try to get a bit better about updating.

Hallie after her bath. (4 weeks)

James hanging out in his new swing. (4 weeks)

Peaceful, sleeping Hallie. (3 weeks)

Peaceful, sleeping James (this is a rare sight). (3 weeks)

Ruby stole a hat one of our friends made for Hallie ... we had to hide the hat from her.

Ruby's first set of wings and dress up skirt.

Hallie at about 2.5 weeks old.

1 comment:

Rae Lynne said...

Love the pictures! :) And I'm glad Ruby could enjoy the hat a little - even if it did have to evetually be hidden! lol

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