Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oatmeal & Potty Training

Awhile back the babies had their 4 month checkup and the doctor said they are doing great! Both of them weighed in at 12 pounds, 6 ounces and took their shots like champs. The doctor also said that whenever we were ready we could start feeding them. So, June 1, was day one of the "Oatmeal Experiment." The first day feeding them was no different than the first day feeding Ruby (except Ruby was started on rice cereal, not oatmeal.) In both cases there was a huge mess and a lot of laughter. The mess hasn't necessarily gotten any better though because both James and Hallie think it is fun to take a bite and then shove all of their fingers in their mouth!

We will wait until they are about 5 months old or so to start any "real" food. And, I have decided I want to try making most of their baby food. It seems like it would be easy enough and really more economical and environmentally friendly than buying a ton of pre-made baby foods. My big dilemma is whether their first food should be avocados or bananas. Big decisions, I know!

And, the day after we got back from New Jersey, Ruby started potty training. She has done very well so far. For the most part she will tell us when she needs to go and has had relatively few accidents. We haven't had to alter our daily routine either -- we still go out every day and I still make sure that I am able to go to the gym. I just have to carry a lot of extra clothes, just in case we have a bad day.

It's amazing how much Ruby has grown up. The other afternoon she came into my bedroom (I was trying to take a nap) and told me "Mommy, I have a proclamation." I said, "what is your proclamation Ruby?" And she said, "I want a snack. You get it for me." Wow. It's crazy how much she talks! I think I am going to be in trouble when she is in high school -- she'll probably be able to out argue me!

Enjoy the pictures.

Hallie is starting to get enough head control to sit in her exersaucer!

Yummy, James!

Hallie, supporting Michigan for her first meal.

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