Friday, December 17, 2010

Is it really almost Christmas??

The past month has just flown by! We have been very busy getting ready for Christmas and partaking in a bunch of holiday fun.

Ruby is asking Santa for a camera for Christmas this year. We told her that she can only ask Santa for one present -- so when she was sitting on Santa's knee and he said "what else would you like?" she was kind of taken aback and finally said "something for Hallie and James." How cute is that?

Ruby is really ready for the holiday to get here. There are presents under the tree, lights on all of the houses and we had snow on the ground, so why isn't Santa here yet??? We've been passing the days baking cookies and delivering them to our neighbors, buying and wrapping gifts for our friends, making Christmas cards, and decorating sugar cookies. It has been a lot of fun and extremely messy. Ruby seems to think the UPS man needs to come to our house every day because every time he's here there's a tasty treat to eat or gift for under the tree!

In other big, exciting news, James is walking! He took his first steps on December 5 and is getting more and more adventurous each day. He is also sporting a new black eye -- but that's what happens when you fall face first into a table. It didn't faze him a bit. I really think he is going to be a daredevil.

Hallie, on the other hand, is not making any moves toward walking. I think she sees her brother making a fool of himself and doesn't want any bit of it. I'm certain that one day she's going to just take off walking without all of the starts and stops that James has. She's watching him so she can perfect it for herself! Hallie is our big eater, just like Ruby was. I think she enjoys when the UPS man comes, too, because it means she gets to sample the treats!

Ruby is starting to read some basic words. She can identify her name and knows all of the letters and the sounds they make. Her favorite "game" lately is asking what everything starts with. And, when I turn it around on her, she is usually able to tell me what the word starts with. (Though she doesn't like the trick words, like "knock.")

Tonight some of the neighborhood girls came caroling, so we let Ruby listen to them for awhile. And then I lined them up to babysit on New Year's Eve! Enjoy the pictures from our holiday festivities ...

Riding the carousel at the Festival of Trees.

Yummy, sprinkles :)

I thought the frosting was for my face ...

Yummy sugar cookies!

Look, mom, I can decorate them too!

Making the frosting for cookies with September.

School Christmas party!

Exercising at Nursery School.

Visiting with Santa at Nursery School.

I think we got about 4 inches and Ruby loved it!

Getting ready to go out in the snow!

The family reinkitty!

1 comment:

Rae Lynne said...

Love the reinkitty. Your furry one looks so thrilled! :)

Hallie & James are getting so big...not to mention Ruby. :) We've been dumped on with snow - Xander's not sure what to make of it. He mostly sticks to walking on the sidewalks and batting at the snow. :)

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