Saturday, September 15, 2012

Way behind...

So we haven't really kept up this summer. Things in the Hill household have been fast and fun -- we very much enjoyed our membership to the Oak Ridge Country Club pool. James & Hallie are pros at moving around in the "big" pool with their puddle jumpers (floats on the arm that are sewed to a float that goes around the chest), and Ruby discovered the diving board. Clara loved floating either in our arms or with James moving her float around the pool as well.

They are also enjoying the playset (hrm. looks like I need to do a post with photos of that...) in the back yard. They also enjoy digging in the dirt and our container garden of tomatoes and green peppers on the deck. It's amazing that we can just open up the back door and they will go swing, slide, and play for a couple of hours.

Recently we've been working on potty training Hallie and James -- which has been an adventure for sure. They're doing well, but haven't progressed as quickly as Ruby did -- I suppose that's to be expected.

Ruby has begun Wildcat Preschool -- a 3 day per week 1/2 day program that is part of Oak Ridge High School. Students who want to go into childhood education work with kids. Sounds great, right? Ruby's class currently has about 20 kids paired up with 2 High School students each. To say she's in love would be an understatement. She is currently working on her sight words and is doing a fantastic job.

We also made a trip to Iowa this summer, Grandma and Grumpa made a visit; as did Grammy. 

Clara is doing well, and has been getting closer to sleeping through the night. We have 4 teeth, and have moved onto some solid foods. There will be a post coming with her stats at 9 months. Though we're 2 months from her 1 year birthday!

So. In short, life is pretty good. I'd promise more frequent updates, but keeping up with these kids is far too fun to commit to spending more time on the computer! Keep looking back -- we'll update; we promise ;)

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