Sunday, September 21, 2008

Attempting Video

Lots of updates on the Hill front. First, we're attempting some video, so hopefully it works. We've discovered that Ruby likes it when you make "kissy" noises at her and it makes her laugh. Sorry, Jason wasn't able to take out the 'spit-up' scene at the very end. Let us know if you like the video and we'll keep trying to put more up.

Puffin wants in on the nap...

In other news, Ruby still won't roll over on command. Though she loves to flip from her back to her front every opportunity she gets. It's really cute, but the problem is, when she rolls onto her belly she starts to scream. So she really needs to figure out the front to back roll (she can do it, she just refuses to).

I can grab my feet!

Ruby and I will be headed to Omaha on Wednesday because Ruby's Great-Grandparents will be there. So hopefully she flies as well as she did last time. And, we have booked our Christmas trip and we'll be in the Omaha and Des Moines area for the week between Christmas and New Year's.

Ruby wants a chicken wing!

Finally, we're really looking forward to Grandpa Arnold and Grandma Kimmy's visit in the near future. We'll have lots of fun visiting and being tourists in the Knoxville area.

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