Sunday, February 8, 2009

70 degrees (and rising)

We've all been fighting a nasty cold (with sinus infections all around, ear infections for Jason & Ruby, and bacterial conjunctivitis for Ruby ...), but now that we're feeling better and the weather is getting warmer, we're able to spend more time outside. Today we decided to return to the zoo and relax, and the temperature topped 70 degrees.

And, the bar exam is in something like 17 days, so now is crunch time for me. There may not be another post until that hurdle is over with!

Playing with the penguins ...

I called the ostrich over and he came!

Me, Daddy, and Mr. Ostrich ...

Mom, can I have a quarter to make this work?

In the stroller ...

Cool reindeer!

1 comment:

Adam and Jaime said...

I am so jealous of the 70* weather! We had a few days of 60's, then got hammered again by snow.
Gretta only very recently became good w/ finger foods. She has had a good pincher grasp for a while, but would gag whenever something got to the back of her tongue. She is starting to get a little better. Flavors certainly don't throw her at all.
It is fun that they have the same suit, i am sure they would be friends if you guys still lived here!
Best of luck on the bar! How has the studying gone? How often have you found Ruby goes to daycare to give you enough study time?

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