Sunday, March 22, 2009

Zoo Party

Today we went to the Little Ponderosa Zoo for our friend LeaAnn's second birthday party. There couldn't have been a nicer day for an outdoor party -- about 65 degrees and sunny. And the animals were a blast. The zoo is "interactive" meaning that most of the animals are friendly and can be petted and fed. Ruby fell in love with a yak and a camel and loved playing with the ducks. She also went on her first pony ride. We took about 200 pictures and I still need to sort through them, but I'll post a few here and try to get an upload to Flickr while I'm at it. Enjoy!

Yakity Yak ...

Please can I climb in and play with the turtle??

Daddy, I want a pony ride!

It's kind of like a giant dog ... sort of.

Here ducky ducky ducky.

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