Wednesday, September 22, 2010

8 months and crawling!

Can you believe the babies are 8 months old??? It doesn't seem possible. Not only are they getting older, both babies are very mobile now. The cats; Ruby's toys; nice, clean, folded laundry ... nothing's safe from the wrath of Hallie and James. James has been crawling for quite awhile now, but three days ago, Hallie started. For now, it's really fun to watch them because they constantly entertain each other. We have a toy piano that James absolutely loves (except when he pulls up on it and falls down face first into it and cuts his gums open ...) And Hallie is thrilled that she can steal all of Ruby's baby dolls and suck on their faces.

Ruby has completed a 3 days at school and it is going really well. The first day was a struggle for her -- the bathrooms there are apparently fascinating to her -- but now she loves to go and play on the playground. And she gets a kick out of taking a nap at school!

Last weekend we took a trip to Chattanooga to visit the children's museum there. It was a lot of fun and there was even a rooftop playground for the babies to enjoy!

Water play.

Hallie loved the angora rabbit

James wanted out of the stroller!
Love the music rooms!

Sifting in the sand.

Digging for dinosaur bones.

Cool trampoline!

Climbing on everything.

On the playground.

Ruby was exhausted at the end of the day!

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