Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lots to Update!

So, it's been pointed out to me that I've been slacking on the blog. Here's a big update and I will try to include lots of pictures!

Ruby: There is a lot of change going on in Ruby's little world right now. She is really into dinosaurs (especially the T-Rex) and Toy Story (1, 2, & 3) and Cars. She really wants to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween ... Some days it's hard to believe she's my little girl as she runs around the house yelling "To infinity -- And Beyond!" But, my little girl is growing up. On Tuesday she will start nursery school at the Oak Ridge Nursery School. She will go two full days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) and keep doing Monday and Wednesday mornings at Camp Faith. She is very excited about going to school and she is extremely excited to sleep there. I am happy that they focus on structured play, independence, and a decent amount of "education." Trust me, there will be a lot of pictures Tuesday of her in her new outfit, wearing her new backpack.

In other "Ruby" news, she is in a "big girl" bed! When my mother was visiting in August, Ruby and Grandma went shopping for new sheets. Ruby picked out a really cute set and was very excited to sleep in her new bed. She is doing great in it and doesn't even talk about the crib anymore.

James: James is crawling! He full on chases Pipit around the house and terrorizes everyone and everything in his path. When Ruby started to crawl, I don't remember her leaving such a path of destruction behind her. James loves to hang out in the kitchen and pull magnets off of the refrigerator. His newest skill is to push himself from the crawling position into the sitting position.

Hallie: Hallie has a tooth! It took awhile, but on Tuesday, Aug. 31, she finally popped through a bottom tooth. She has not started to crawl yet, but she does get into crawling position and rock back and forth a lot. She also loves to play with balls -- especially this one with ribbons all over it.

Both babies have really started to get into Ruby's toys, which Ruby has dealt with better than I expected. There has been no violence yet! (But, a lot of "No, Hallie/James, that's MY toy!")

Jason and I are doing well too. I am trying to get back into sewing and recently took a basic quilting class. Jason has been having a regular "date" night with some friends to watch football at the local sports bar. We also recently took a family trip to Pigeon Forge to check out the Dinosaur Walk Museum and be tourists for a bit. Definitely not worth the admission, but Ruby really enjoyed it!

The kids and their puffs (yes, I feed them on the floor ..)

Daddy let me touch the dinosaurs ... I don't think he was supposed to allow that :)

Wow, that's a big dinosaur!

Hanging with Daddy at the Dinosaur Walk Museum.

Ruby and Connor together again! (Out for breakfast on a Saturday morning)

James in a high chair for the first time (at Razzleberry)

Hallie's first high chair experience at Razzleberry (the "pig store")

My mom made the kids hats ... Pipit and James almost got into fisticuffs.

Ruby was an awesome polar bear.

Hallie loved being a frog.

James almost couldn't make it to bed he was so tired!

Ruby posing with her siblings.

Our friends baby sat one night so Jason and I could go out -- Jennifer got the full "bedtime" experience!

1 comment:

Rae Lynne said...

Loved the update and seeing the pictures. Those hats are so cute! :)

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