Sunday, October 23, 2011

Circus Time!

The Shriner Circus was in town this weekend! I planned on taking both Ruby and Hallie to see the clowns and circus acts, but the show was at 1 p.m.and Hallie desperately needed a nap. So, Ruby and I went to Knoxville and had so much fun! We got tickets from the Early Learning Center -- one of the people on the board is a Shriner, so he donated tickets to any family in the school who wanted them. 

Ruby was so excited to see the clowns, but she was very upset that there weren't any girl clowns. She got her face painted as a Tigress (a girl tiger), and was enthralled by the acrobats on the flying trapeze. She loved the baby elephant (and the four year old girl who was in the elephant act). But, she was not happy about the woman who walked on a horse's back ("that's not nice, mommy!).

I learned that Ruby does not like cotton candy! But, she loves popcorn. And she loves her new light up sword. It was a fun day for us!

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