Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July!

Well, we had every intention of celebrating a fun Fourth of July at Knoxville's Festival on the Fourth at the World's Fair Park. But, when we got there and got settled in (along with many, many other people), we were told to clear out because a thunderstorm was expected to come through and if there was lightning, they didn't want everyone on the lawn. So, instead of taking Ruby and waiting it out in the car, we decided to just pack it in and go home. Maybe next year we will see some fireworks.

But, Ruby had two new outfits for the Fourth of July. It's a good thing there were two of them -- the first one made it through the first few hours of the day and the second one made it for the evening activities. Ruby was pretty tired earlier in the day on the 4th ... so she and I curled up on the couch and got some quality snuggling time in.

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