Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is it really 2012???

Wow, time has been flying by so fast. I cannot believe it is already 2012.

Clara is getting big! She has her 2 month check up next Thursday, but I think she's over 14 pounds already. She seems to think that she gets to be pickier than all of the other kids -- I really can't eat any dairy and nurse her because she screams and breaks out in major baby acne and has horrible gas. But, she's also really cute, so I put up with it. I have been trying to catch her smile for a couple of weeks now, but it still eludes the camera. 

Ruby, James & Hallie are all enjoying their Christmas gifts. Ruby and Hallie love dressing up and James is madly in love with his trains. Each night before bed we have a family "dance party." This usually ends with all of the living room blankets and couch cushions on the ground being jumped on, thrown and used to build forts. It really is a fun time!

I'm going to try to get more pictures taken this year. I've realized we're slacking on taking pictures of Clara as she gets older ... I guess that's what happens when you have four kids!

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