Saturday, January 21, 2012

Two years old.

Tomorrow Hallie and James turn two years old. That means two years ago today I took Ruby to a friend's house to spend the weekend. Jason and I went out for one last night out before the babies were born, and he went back to work to finish a few things up while I got a massage.

I carried twins to 39 weeks and had 13 pounds, 2 ounces of babies in me. It is crazy to think about how much our life has changed in two years. At, 3 and a half years old, Ruby has grown up into the "big kid" in the house. And we've added baby Clara to the mix!

James went from this colicky baby who screamed for hours a day to a sweet loving big brother. He sleeps hard and plays hard. If there is a way to climb something, he will find it. At two years old, he sleeps in a "baby cage" (aka crib tent) because he can climb out of bed and up his dresser to play with the lights. When he's angry or excited, every muscle in his body tenses and he shakes. At two years old, he can identify all of his letters and sing his alphabet. He loves animals and trains, especially "Thomas," "Percy," "Toby," and of course, "James." He can be a little bully to his sisters and tries to get his way by force. Most of the time this works, but he is also becoming an expert at sitting in time out. He is also one of the most loving kids and always has a hug and a kiss to give. James is my first and only boy and is one minute older than Hallie.

Hallie was always a really passive, quiet baby. While James cried all the time, she was willing to just sit in her swing and watch the world or sleep. She is still my quiet child and is very soft spoken, but she knows how to raise her voice when she really wants something. And, she is still so passive. If James takes something from her, she will whine "Buddy took it" but won't grab it back. When he does give it back, she's quick to say "thank you." For awhile, I thought she was going to have speech issues, but boy is she a talker. She likes to tell everyone what belongs to them (mommy's desk, Hallie's diaper, Ruby's doll, etc.). Hallie loves to have her hair done, even though she doesn't have much. And she loves to dance and sing. She looks up to her big sister and always wants to wear the same outfits and do exactly what Ruby is doing.

James and Hallie shared a crib for quite awhile, but I remember when they stopped. I put them down for a nap when they were about three months old. A while into their nap (but before they should have woken up), I heard a scream from their room. I went running in, thinking something was wrong. I couldn't have anticipated the problem ... James had broken out of his swaddle, rolled onto his side, and was sucking on Hallie's cheek. It was adorable and hilarious.

To this day, they seem inseparable. They love to be together and are concerned if they have to go somewhere without the other one. Having twins has been one of the most difficult things we have experienced as parents -- but while they are definitely "double trouble" some days. Most days it's "double the pleasure, double the fun."

Happy Birthday, James and Hallie!

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