Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sick Baby -- a Clara update

 It has been a really long week in our house. Clara woke up in the middle of the night Monday night/Tuesday morning and was running a fever. I didn't want to call the doctor's office at 3 a.m. because I knew they would send us to the hospital. So, I waited until 5 a.m. and called the nurse ...

At 8 a.m. we were at the doctor's office and Clara was still running a fever. The nurse's placed a catheter to check her urine and the doctor came in to check Clara out. Her ears looked good, her chest was clear, no runny nose, no cough -- but she was miserable. So, he decided that he needed to do a blood draw, and a spinal tap (because she hadn't had her two month vaccinations yet).

There is a room in the back of the doctor's office that no patient or parent wants to visit. The procedure room. This is where the nurse holds your baby on her side and curls her into a ball so that the doctor can shove a giant needle into her spine. It sucked. And Clara cried ... all day, she cried.

Some parts of her blood tests were elevated, showing she was definitely fighting something off. And Wednesday morning we were back at the doctor's office to get a second round of antibiotic shots. She was still crying. Because of the relentless sobbing, and the fact that she had blood in her spinal fluid, the doctor wanted us to go to Children's Hospital and get a ct scan to make sure there wasn't something more going on. Thankfully, that scan was normal.

The end result is that the doctor believes she had some form of virus that caused the infection to move to her spinal fluid. So, it was a pretty crappy week as far as Clara has been concerned.

She is much, much better now and I have some great pictures to show you! I finally even caught her smile!!!

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