Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our first trip out alone!

Today Ruby and I decided to get out of the house and try to meet some people in Tennessee. One of the local hospitals has a group called "Mommy Connections" where moms can bring their children to play and also get some adult interaction. Ruby was the youngest baby there (there was a six week old boy, but all of the other babies were at least 8 months old). But, I'm glad we went, it was a blast.

Now, I may be over-exaggerating just how much fun it was, but it really did feel good to get out of the house. I was a little worried about getting out with Ruby by myself, but for once she was really well behaved in the car. And when we got to the group, she slept and really let me meet some people. I think this will definitely become a weekly event in our lives.

Oh, and tomorrow Ruby and I will be traveling to Oak Ridge for lunch. Jason's work group would like to meet her, so we're going to eat at Chick-Fil-A. And hopefully, if everything goes as planned, Jason and I are going to take Ruby to the Secret City Festival ( in Oak Ridge on Saturday. It should be fun and a chance to learn more about the history of Oak Ridge.

Anyway, I've obviously included some more pictures of Ruby, so enjoy!

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